14th February, 2024
The working expectations of Australians has changed considerably after many of us were forced to work from home (WFH) during Covid lockdowns, as individuals and businesses we all coped with it differently and ultimately successfully. The draft from this time is long and continues today, particularly in the larger corporate space with reports of CEO’s pleading with staff to be back in the office, at least on a part time basis. Smaller businesses do have the flexibility to react differently and likely in a more personal way. Ultimately what we are all looking for is a solution that satisfies both the employee and the employer. To be successful, the outcome does need to be a win for both.
At SCC we are a people focused business and have adopted a flexible approach to our WFH arrangements, we have worked closely with our team to agree on individual solutions that find the right mix of employee wellbeing, job satisfaction, customer outcomes and continued business success.
Adopting an approach of you cannot put a ‘square peg in a round hole‘, we now have a comfortable mix of arrangements including, WFH 2 days and 3 in the office, part time work, 4 days work a week and full time in the office. Interestingly the larger percentage remains full time in the office. Whilst the reasons for each vary the outcomes have proven to be the same, increased satisfaction for the staff and for the business.
We have a wonderful team at SCC and thank each of them for their professionalism, openness, and care. It allows all of us to get on and do a great job for each other and our wonderful customers.