Port Strikes

Please note there has been further update in regards to the industrial action at DP World:

The Maritime Union of Australia (MUA) has confirmed earlier FTA / APSA notices that employees are striking for 48 hours at DP World Australia’s Brisbane, Sydney and Fremantle container terminals.

New developments include an extended 96 hour stoppage in Melbourne where there will be no road or vessel operations from Wednesday 10th through to Sunday 14th July.

Notifications are coming from shipping lines at the moment where vessels are omitting ports, changing rotation, delaying discharge or seeking to adjust the terminal for unload and we are working to contact all clients that are directly affected.

This morning we have also seen slot cancellations at Patricks Port Botany due to “unforeseen event”. We have received the below statement from the Freight Trade Association:

Patrick Port Botany have reported an “unforeseen event” meaning that 0700 – 1000 (inclusive) slots for this morning (9 Jul 2019) have been cancelled.

Patrick have advised transport operators to continue checking 1-Stop for further updates.

Freight & Trade Alliance (FTA) and the Australian Peak Shippers Association (APSA) have submitted a request to Transport for NSW to determine the nature of the incident and whether it meets the “unforseen event” status as prescribed in the Port Botany Landside Improvement Strategy (PBLIS) regulations.

Due to these delays in operation’s at multiple terminals we are now expecting to see some significant flow on effect’s on the timely delivery of your containers. As these actions are outside of the control of SCC or the trucking companies, we do need to ask you to remain as flexible as possible with FCL delivery schedules and continue to unpack as quickly as possible to give transport time to deal with what may well be lengthy terminal delays. Shipping lines are being petitioned to provide extra free time relief to importers affected and while this is being considered, has not yet been confirmed. We will, as always, do our utmost to have your cargo arranged in a timely and effective manner and we hope that the terminal issues can be resolved quickly to reduce the impact on Australian importers and exporters.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries or questions on the above, cargo@sccargo.com.au


Monday 8 July 2019 BRISBANE: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period.

Wednesday 10 July 2019 MELBOURNE: All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 96 hour period

Thursday 11 July 2019 FREMANTLE:All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period

SYDNEY:All terminal operations will be stopped from 0600hrs for a 48 hour period

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