Planning your Christmas Deliveries

18th November, 2021

Southern Cross Cargo will remain open during the Christmas period, only closing on public holidays. (Mon 27th – Tue 28th December and Mon 3rd January).

Now is the time to plan your deliveries over this busy Christmas/holiday period. Many vessels are being delayed mid-transit due to port congestions and re-routing. If your company is closing during this time you will need to consider one of the following options:

  1. Check if your supplier can hold the cargo during this time 
  2. Arrange for staff to be available for unpack onsite, OR
  3. SCC can make storage arrangements for large consignments, however this will incur storage and detention fees.

Unfortunately due to the nature of shipping at the moment and the many variables, we are unable to guarantee an exact delivery day. It’s important the above options are considered and planned for in advance to avoid unexpected storage and detention charges.

Please feel free to contact your helpful SCC staff member for any assistance with the planning of your cargo at

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