July newsletter out now



The recent loss of containers overboard from the YM Efficiency highlights again the importance of Importers and Exporters having Marine Insurance to cover loss and or damage of their shipments. It is also a reminder for those that have cover in place to check that you are sufficiently covered.All carriers (Shipping Lines, Airlines, Freight Forwarders, couriers, Trucking Company’s) operate under Trading Terms and Conditions that limit their liability in situations of loss or damage to cargo.There are various options in the market for marine insurance including shipment by shipment and annual cover – we would be very pleased to assist you with this important trade matter – contact ustoday if you need more information!


A program has been introduced by Australian Border Force (ABF) it is available to importers, exporters and service providers. The intention is to reward accredited businesses with a growing range of trade facilitation benefits to improve their international market access.

Some of the ABF reported benefits are listed below. Southern Cross Cargo will be participating in this program. Please let us know if you would like to know more about how the Trusted Trader program can support your international trade.

  • Priority trade services when requesting duty drawbacks, refunds, and advance rulings on tariff, valuation and origin though our National Trade Advice Centre
  • Priority treatment of goods at the border when importing goods
  • Trusted Trader logo usage, which is also recognised by international customs administrations
  • Mutual Recognition Arrangements(MRAs) access, receiving priority treatment of goods at the border in our partner countries
  • Consolidated cargo clearance, enabling Trusted Trader importers, or their licensed customs brokers, to lodge a single import declaration for consolidated cargo for all sea and air cargo types
  • APEC Business Travel Card –streamlined processes when applying
  • A ‘seat at the table’ to work in partnership with the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) and the ABF
  • Trusted Trader Symposium attendance – an invitation only annual event for Trusted Traders.

Do you need representation in Sydney for your local shipments? Southern Cross Cargo are pleased to announce that we now have a very experienced team working in our Sydney office and can help support you with any of your local shipment, cross docking or warehouse needs. You can find us at sales@sccargo.com.au or call Greg McKillop on 0420241069.


Are you looking at new market or product opportunities? Please let us help you make them a reality. Some of the services offered by Southern Cross Cargo include:

  • Do you want to reach cross trade markets while still maintaining your Australian margin? Ask us how!
  • Do you want to organize pick and pack or warehousing in China, USA or other offshore locations? Ask us how!
  • Do you want support to your local staff in learning more about how to arrange exports or imports? Ask us how!
  • Do you need advice on product classifications, Free Trade Agreements or trade compliance? Ask us how!



We do have an imminent change in operational software that we believe will have some excellent benefits for our customers and our business. Cargowise is an Australian software that is widely used all over the world, especially by many of our current international partners. Benefits will include improved online visibility for your purchase orders and shipments, more streamlined document processing, increased communication and ability to manage shipments by key milestones. Order tracking can be managed down to SKU level if required, our warehousing customers will also have visibility through the same window and we will be able to integrate with your own operating software should that be a desired outcome.

Our cut over date for this new software is due to be August 1st 2018. And while we are going to great lengths to ensure minimal impact, clients may experience the inconvenience of receiving two AR statements for a period of time while we close off the old system.

We apologise in advance for this inconvenience.

Once the system is up and running we look forward to being able to share its many features with you.


If you have not had a chance to review already, please check out our new web site www.sccargo.com.au http://www.sccargo.com.au

We will be posting regular updates and news items be sure to save us as a favourite.

Also if you are active on LinkedIn get in and follow our page which will also be serving as a news resource on all things to do with International Trade.



Crazy to note we are at the end of June already and moving towards the second half of the year. In line with increases in our local fuel prices, you may well have seen the carrier notifications regarding increases in bunker and fuel surcharges. This will affect all air, fcl and lcl rates. Please note that these increases are varying per carrier. In all instances we are seeking our carriers assistance to be as lenient as possible and will only pass these through where they are unavoidable.

The ocean carriers from China have announced their first round of rate increases for the season with a GRI to be effective as of July 1st. At this stage we are still negotiating with our key carriers as it is still expected that market volumes have not increased enough to warrant a rise this early. Especially given separate notices regarding bunker increases. While options are limited now for this latter part of the year, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss fixed rates for 2019 – we can sit down and review your volumes and work out a system that may help alleviate the effect of the end of year rate increases while still maintaining your competitive edge.

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