How to manage a not so normal peak season?
8th June, 2021
A traditional shipping peak season kicks in from around mid August however with global shipping continuing to be seriously stretched and expected to continue your normal planning for the back end of the year is not going to be workable. Shipping schedules have been challenged throughout Covid however they have been further impacted from the Suez Canal blockage and the current closure of Yantian port in Southern China. With lead times being extended we recommend you bring forward ASAP your planned orders for the back end of the year as space is only going tighten further as we head into what would be peak season.
Consideration will need to be given as to how you can hold more stock and the cost of doing so, the win will however be having stock on hand.
As a result of shipping delays we do expect air freight bookings to increase during this period to ensure stock is on the shelf.
Right now our SCC team is meeting with customers to discuss the challenges and assist with the planning of your important shipments. We can assist with the analysis of holding extra stock for longer periods, the warehousing of this stock and cost benefit analysis of shipping earlier and holding as opposed to having to air freight in at a later period.
If you would also like to meet with one of our experienced to discuss the global shipping challenges and how to best manage them please contact us at for an appointment.