China Golden Week Holidays

Good day all,

A quick reminder about the imminent ‘Golden Week’ celebrations in China for 1-7th October. In celebrating their National Day on 1st October, Golden Week represents one of the longest public holiday periods in the Chinese calendar and is often a time when many people take the opportunity travel and visit family. It is therefore not surprising that Golden Week can sometimes extend to 2-3 weeks of closing for some companies – and could be even more of a consideration now with reduced global volumes with the USA / China trade war.

With these reduced volumes we can expect more rounds of sailing cancelations as carriers try to match capacity with the fall in demand up to and beyond the holiday.

As is always the case with these peak times, we request that you give us much notice as possible of your shipment plans so we can endeavour to secure space on your nominated vessel. Please also encourage your suppliers to make cargo available as early as possible as transport may not be accessible if they leave it too late.

Customs and other official operations will resume on 8th October.

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