Asbestos -prohibited import to Australia

It is timely to remind client’s that the importation of asbestos or goods containing asbestos is prohibited, unless a permission or exemption has been granted or a lawful exception applies.

This prohibition imposes a significant compliance responsibility on importers to prove that the goods they are importing do not contain asbestos.

Border Force emphasises that the risk of any asbestos content must be addressed before shipment to Australia.

Asbestos has been used in a wide number of products due to its flexibility, tensile strength, insulation, chemical inertness and affordability and is still used outside Australia in many applications.

The ABF targets goods considered to have a risk of containing asbestos. Any unauthorised goods found to contain asbestos will be seized and the importer may face penalties and/or prosecution.

Importers must therefore be aware of their supply chain including the origin and manufacturing process of parts and components, particularly those at risk of containing asbestos.

Border Force expects importers to have made definitive enquiries with suppliers outside Australia about any use of asbestos at the point of manufacture, before importing the goods into Australia.

Importers should not assume that goods labelled “asbestos free” are in fact free of asbestos or that testing of goods undertaken overseas certified “asbestos free” meet Australia’s border requirements. Some countries can lawfully label or test goods, declaring them asbestos free, if they are below a certain threshold.


Importers need to have sufficient knowledge of their goods back to the point of manufacture. Importers declaring “no” to asbestos content in their goods must only do so if they are certain that their goods do not contain asbestos by design, or by the use of naturally contaminated ingredients, during manufacture.


Further detail, including a list of at risk goods, is available at


Please do not hesitate to contact our Customs team should you wish to discuss these Asbestos prohibition requirements in greater detail.

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