We are now in full swing of BMSB season and thought we would take the opportunity to alert you to one of the issues that has emerged over the course of the season so far.

The issue relates to FCL consignments requiring mandatory treatment for BMSB where the goods are wrapped in plastic to protect the integrity of the load.

The local fumigators have advised in a number of cases that they cannot carry out the Dept. of Agriculture (DoA) required treatment as the load is not permeable to the treatment due of the plastic wrapping.

This leaves very limited options as DoA will not permit the unpacking of the container due to the BMSB risk. There are a very limited number of DoA approved sites to which the container can be taken and unpacked in a controlled environment and then treated. Movement to and treatment at these premises will be an additional expense. If these sites are unable to accept the shipment, the shipment may need to be re-exported for treatment.

Given the difficulties currently being experienced with these shipments it would be our recommendation that if you are importing goods from a BMSB

Target Risk Country that you request you supplier, if practical, not to use plastic wrapping on your consignment.

It should be noted that there needs to be adequate room in the container for the treatment to be effective.

The DoA guidelines for conducting an effective treatment are available at

Please do not hesitate to contact the SCC Customs team should you require any information on the BMSB controls

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